Life Membership for Jonas Woolford

Wildcatch Fisheries SA past President and Nuffield scholar, Jonas Woolford has been granted life membership for his persistent and tactful advocacy of the association in state, national and global for...

Kimba takes the crown!

The town in the heart of the Eyre Peninsula and halfway across Australia was announced as the Overall Winner of the 2017 Sustainable Communities Awards at the KESAB Awards Ceremony […]...

RDA funding extension across South Australia

Geoff Brock MP recently announced a three year funding extension for South Australian RDAs, which sees our service provision for economic and business development ongoing until 2020.  Minister Brock ...

The 2017 Regional Wellbeing Survey is now open!

The Regional Wellbeing Survey’s mission is to support research that improves the wellbeing and quality of life of people living in rural and regional Australia.  To achieve this, each year [&he...

Giving Small Business a Big Future in Australia

The Australian Government is committed to Giving Small Business a Big Future through a variety of initiatives that support small businesses. Given the significant role that small businesses play in [&...

New Enterprise Incentive Scheme

Are you interested in starting your own business and live in Whyalla, Port Lincoln or Port Augusta? Exciting new changes have come into effect with the government funded New Enterprise […]...