Feral deer concerns for Eyre Peninsula

Images of feral deer captured near Kimba by the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board, have raised concerns that deer populations are establishing in eastern Eyre Peninsula and that sightings are not [&helli...

Bryan Trigg Reappointed Chair of RDAEP Board

The Hon Nola Marino MP, Assistant Minister for Regional Development is pleased to announce the reappointment of Mr Bryan Trigg AFSM as Chair of Regional Development Australia (RDA) Eyre Peninsula [&he...

RDAEP Committee Members 2021

Following the call for Committee Member applications at the end of 2020, Chair of Regional Development Australia Eyre Peninsula (RDAEP) Bryan Trigg has announced the new Board. The 2021 Board [&hellip...

Ageing Well Community Grants

Organisations seeking funding should be working together with older people, including those from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Projects and activities should contribute to building and maintainin...

Work in SA’s Regions

With COVID-19 impacting on primary industries securing workers and tourism and hospitality filling roles in our regions, Regional Development Australia Eyre Peninsula (RDAEP) have partnered with the S...

FREE 2 hour One on One Business Mentoring

Adelaide Business Hub (ABH) is the service provider for the Australian Small Business Advisory Service (ASBAS) program Digital Solutions SA. ABH has delivered this 3-year program across metropolitan, ...

Heritage Grants Program – Round 3

Round 3 of the SA Heritage Grants Program is now open and will close on 26 February 2021. The SA Heritage Grants Program has been in operation since 2018. $500,000 […]...