Back to School Vouchers 2023

In February and early March 2023, the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation (The Foundation) has distributed $34,500 in Back to School Vouchers to students across the Eyre Peninsula (EP). With additiona...

Stronger Communities Programme Grants

The Stronger Communities Programme (SCP) provides grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 to community organisations and local governments for small capital projects that deliver social benefits for loca...

Export Market Development Grants

Applications closing soon (14 April 2023) for Austrade’s Export Market Development Grants (EMDG). The updated EMDG Grant Guidelines and supporting documents are now available so that applicants ...

Temporary Changes to Mature Workers Work Bonus

The Australian Government has made changes to enable older Australians more choice and flexibility to participate in the workforce. As you may be aware, last year the Government announced that [&helli...

Have Your Say – Speed Limits on SA Beaches

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport (the Department) is seeking feedback on options for the default vehicle speed to apply to all South Australian beaches that allow vehicle access. The [&...

EP Leadership Development Program

Are you interested in taking part in our leadership development program? Fill out our Expression of Interest form for more information. In 2023 RDAEP is teaming up with Champions Academy to […...