The Future of Regional Housing and Workforce

You are invited to the Regional Development South Australia (RDSA) 2022 Annual Summit on ‘The Future of Regional Housing and Workforce’ presented by ABC Breakfast Radio host, Stacey Lee. O...

Festivals Funding

People living in regional or remote Australia will now have a chance to enjoy an arts experience or a significant one-off community celebration. The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional D...

Tourism on the Eyre Peninsula – have your say

Regional Development Australia Eyre Peninsula (RDAEP) has committed to delivering a Destination Marketing Plan, which will align with a broader project to review the Eyre Peninsula brand. The Plan wi...

National Cultural Policy – have your say

The Australian Government is developing a new cultural policy to transform and safeguard a diverse, vibrant and sustainable arts, entertainment and cultural sector now and into the future. The new [&h...

RDAEP Supports Hotel Development

MEDIA RELEASE Regional Development Australia Eyre Peninsula (RDAEP) would like to congratulate Thrive Construct on the announcement that the construction of their hotel development will commence in la...

Sport and Recreation Grant

Eligible organisations can now apply for funding through the Active State Collaboration Program (ASCP). ASCP is a new grant program looking to drive sport and recreation initiatives, through funding ...

Eyre Peninsula Disaster Fund Helps Local Families

The Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation has recently distributed funds from its Eyre Peninsula Disaster Fund to two families affected by the storm and flooding which hit Karkoo, Yeelanna and Cummins [...