Climate leaders in South Australia were celebrated at the 2018 SA Climate Leaders Award event host by the Premier’s Climate Change Council on 31 October 2018.

RDAWEP were recognised for attracting and promoting investment that demonstrates that zero carbon industries can make money, not cost money.

The SA Climate Leaders Awards recognise the achievements of individuals and organisations who take action to address climate change in South Australia.

Winners included:

  • Overall Climate Leaders Award and Government category – Wattle Range Council – for the development of the Southend Coastal Adaptation Strategy.
  • Community category – CORENA – community energy trailblazers who are making a difference for not-for-profits in accessing renewable energy.
  • Industry and business category – 2XE – an Adelaide-based consulting firm who are helping Australian businesses achieve their ‘net zero carbon’ goals.
  • Individual category – Associate Professor Seth Westra – a leading researcher from the University of Adelaide who is inspiring future leaders in sustainability and climate risk.

Congratulations to the winners and finalists!

Top image:  RDAWEP Economic Development Manager Peter Scott receives the Finalist Government Category certificate from David Speirs MP, Minister for Environment and Water.

Winners and finalists of the Government category with David Speirs MP, Minister for Environment and Water and Bruce Carter, Chair of the Premier’s Climate Change Council.

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