Renewable Energy

Renewable energy has substantial development potential due to the region’s natural assets of consistent wind resources and abundant sunshine.

The region has an estimated 300 cloud free days per annum, making it ideal for large-scale solar energy farms, and a landscape suitable for large-scale wind farms.  Four zones have been identified with wind speeds above 8 metres per second and the potential to produce more than 10,000MW of power generation.  Two existing wind farms at Cathedral Rocks (near Port Lincoln) and Mt Millar (near Cowell) supplement the Eyre Peninsula power transmission network.

Large-scale renewable energy generation projects across the region will maximise economic, community and environmental benefits.  With Eyre Peninsula positioned at the forefront of both renewable generation and hydrogen production, it will provide significant opportunities to decarbonise heavy industry including steel, fuel, fertiliser and feedstock production.

The Australian Government’s commitment to the funding of renewable energy programs provides an opportunity to secure loans and capex investment for key projects.


The Government of South Australia has committed to the Hydrogen Jobs Plan to build a world leading hydrogen power plant, electrolyser, and storage facility near Whyalla.

Investment ready, the Port Bonython Hydrogen Hub is anticipated to be South Australia’s first large-scale clean hydrogen production precinct for both export and domestic markets and is an integral part of South Australia’s first mover strategy to enter the global hydrogen market.

Port Infrastructure

The Cape Hardy Industrial Precinct and Port is investment ready and has been listed by the South Australian Government as a high priority infrastructure project in regional South Australia.  The Australian Government has committed to provide $25 million to support the project.

The Cape Hardy Precinct combines a deep-water, multi-use port facility for handling commodities and containers alongside modular ‘roll-on roll-off’ facilities.  It aligns with South Australia’s Hydrogen Action Plan and supports State export capacity.

In such an export-oriented region, enhanced port operations at Port Thevenard, Port Bonython, Port Lincoln and Lucky Bay will increase export capability, reduce costs and facilitate opportunities for local processing and value-adding ventures.

Railway Infrastructure

The construction of the region’s first standard gauge railway line to Cape Hardy provides investment opportunities for connection of the line to the national standard gauge railway network.

The opportunities will be magnified if the connection is made via Whyalla, as this will provide an export outlet for mining projects in the north of South Australia, as well as enhance export options for the steel manufacturing industry.

Mineral Resources

Eyre Peninsula incorporates the Gawler Craton and Eucla Basin provinces and contains large resources of high-quality magnetite, graphite, kaolin gypsum and mineral sands.  The focus of mining activity to date has been mostly iron ore.

The region has 9 major operating and approved mines, and 9 developing projects.

Growing international demand for high-quality resources for new technology applications provides an opportunity to support niche mining projects at various locations.


Eyre Peninsula is one of the fastest growing tourism regions in South Australia and continues to have considerable growth potential.

Visitors can enjoy a pristine natural environment and unique nature-based experiences such as cage diving with Great White sharks, swimming with seals and cuttlefish, and whale watching at the Head of Bight. The abundance of diverse and premium seafood from the clean and green environment is a major attraction for culinary visitors and recreational fishers.

Opportunities to provide accommodation and related tourism infrastructure are best in the vicinity of the regional airports at Port Lincoln, Whyalla and Ceduna.  Substantial growth of the self-drive tourism sector and increasing interest in Aboriginal tourism creates opportunities for the provision of improved tourism infrastructure in the Far West and along the Nullarbor Plain.


Much of the land at the Port Lincoln, Whyalla and Ceduna airports is under-utilised.  Increasing numbers of tourism and business travellers, along with growing industrial and export activities provide substantial potential for future growth for these important regional gateway airports, and smaller aerodromes throughout the region.

Investment opportunities are significant to increase the capacity and capability of airport infrastructure and services.

Fishing and Aquaculture

Approximately 82% of South Australia’s seafood product is exported from the RDAEP region.

Effective, precise management of the wild catch and farmed harvest, and strict adherence to quotas assures Eyre Peninsula fisheries are highly productive and sustainable, guaranteeing a perfect balance with the natural environment.

Commercial opportunities exist for the development of on-shore fish processing and freezing enterprises to support fishing industry operations.


The region is renowned internationally for superior and niche grains and produces high-quality lamb, beef and pork.

Development of new industries such as grain processing will value add to existing products for the benefit of the agriculture sector, increasing local employment and contributing to the circular economy.

Similarly, the development of industries around the processing of animals.

Health and Community Services

Eyre Peninsula does not have the health infrastructure required to deliver superior health, aged care and disability services across the region.  A prolonged lack of General Practitioners and health professionals exacerbates the existing high rate of socioeconomic disadvantage.

Ageing of the regional population has generated demand for additional and improved infrastructure and services for the aged sector.  Data indicates that retirement growth and facility demand will be magnified in coastal townships.

The increasing use of data, telehealth, and private sector integration in public care, provide opportunities to improve services.

The growth of health care and social assistance services in the region is vital in supporting liveability.


Housing shortages are a pressing issue throughout the region.  Investment in new and renewed housing supply, mix and choice is vital to support population growth, and to sustain the labour force.


Five districts – Tumby Bay, Wudinna, Elliston, Franklin Harbour and Kimba do not have a long day cage service, whilst Whyalla, Port Lincoln, Lower Eyre and Ceduna require additional first-rate places to meet existing demand and ensure workforce availability for significant new industry investment.

Following the development of a Regional Childcare Taskforce and an RDAEP co-funded consultancy, an Eyre Peninsula Early Education and Care report was released in November 2023.

Critical capital funding is required to build new services in areas of greatest need.  Community-led services provide a significant return on investment.

Education and Training

Eyre Peninsula is battling a lack of available and skilled workers, whilst at the same time experiencing an increasing supply of available jobs.  Existing and future industry skills shortages can be addressed by expanding educational and training opportunities.

Facilities in Whyalla and Port Lincoln are under-utilised and have the capacity for investment to provide specialist tertiary study opportunities for regional and overseas students.


  • Implement initiatives with the private sector to develop the Whyalla marina precinct.
  • Provide infrastructure and services to strengthen Whyalla’s tourism appeal and facilitate new tourism business enterprises.
  • Develop business enterprises at the Whyalla Airport.
  • Implement infrastructure and services to progress the Disability and Aged Care Masterplan.
  • Develop renewable energy business initiatives.
  • Implement initiatives to increase occupancy and use of the Whyalla Industrial Estate.

Whyalla Potential Development Prospectus


  • Implement value-adding initiatives and provide the infrastructure to grow the aquaculture and tourism sectors.
  • Expand facilities and services to enhance business capacity at Port Lincoln Airport.
  • Reconfigure and upgrade port infrastructure to improve operational efficiencies and enhance cruise tourism development.
  • Implement waste and stormwater infrastructure projects.


  • Upgrade infrastructure at Thevenard Port to improve export capacity and capability.
  • Provide strategic infrastructure to develop Aboriginal and eco-tourism product at Ceduna, the Nullarbor Plain, and the Great Australian Bight.
  • Develop onshore infrastructure and services to support minerals, oil and gas exploration and operations.
  • Upgrade infrastructure and services at Ceduna Airport.
  • Develop onshore processing factories at the Thevenard Marine Offloading Facility to enhance fishing industry operations in the Great Australian Bight.